Care and Nutrition

Fertigation: In the new season, it is ensured that the pure amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements to be given from the soil are proportioned to each other and given to the plant in a balanced way, according to soil, leaf and fruit analyzes to be carried out in the fruiting period of the previous year. After fruit formation, the rates determined for 1 ton apple, which is expected to be more per decare, are increased. Attention should be paid to the nitrogen and potassium balance, proportionally N/K should not be greater than 1. Nutritional products should be carefully selected according to the regional conditions, soil structure and Ph status.

Fertilizer: In addition to fertigation applications, macromicronutrient supplements should be made from the leaves for healthy vegetative formation and the continuity of development in apple trees. Perfect formation of vegetative and generative organs should be ensured with Italian or Dutch type special quality programs. In the selection of fertilizers to be used, care should be taken to ensure that they are in chelated form, which facilitates the entry of the elements into the plant.