
This is one of the key tasks in the production of quality apples. It is founded on the basis of leaving the correct, quality and appropriate number of fruits on the apple tree. It starts with the technical team calculating how many apples should be left according to the general volume, health and fruit condition of the trees. As in pruning, it is completed when experienced and conscious teams pluck the small apples so that their stems remain on the tree and throw them to the ground, away from the tree, until they find these numbers.

Apart from thinning made by hand, there is also the possibility of chemical thinning in order to save labor for large gardens and not to miss the period in time. It starts with the determination of the application date by following the daily diameter measurement of the king flowers by the technical team. When the average of king flowers exceeds a certain diameter, the result is reached by applying the appropriate PGR products at the doses determined specifically for the varieties. Care must be taken to ensure that chemical thinning is carried out under the supervision and organization of the technical team.