Frost Damage and Methods of Protection from This
For late spring frosts, which is one of the biggest problems in apple growing areas, wind propellers are one of the most suitable protection methods. This is costly, but provides maximum benefit in protecting an area of approximately 60 decares. The operation logic of the propellers is to start and stop automatically, at the set degrees, on cold predicted days. In long-term frosts, fuel tanks should be constantly checked, necessary fuel supplements should be made without forgetting that the propeller should not stop. The Mini-spring sprinkler systems, which are more economical than the propellers but depend on the power of the water as the area to be protected, provide the necessary protection regardless of the severity of the cold. On cold predicted days, trees start to be washed with a sprinkler system with +1 degrees. Until the cold event is over, water is continued to be sprayed on the trees with a mini springler. Each falling drop encloses the flower or tiny fruit in a layer of ice. The temperature inside the ice remains constant, and is not affected by the severity of the cold outside due to the thickness of the ice layer. It is vital to ensure the continuity of the water spraying until the cold event is over, and the sun appears again and the weather rises to plus degrees.
Seedless fruit formation can be achieved by ensuring the return of moderately damaged fruits, with special PGR applications to be made depending on the measurement of the severity experienced after the cold event,. As in all PGR applications, the application dose and method of administration should be done under the supervision of the technical team and as determined within the calculations.